Anti-Racism Facilitation
Chromatic Theatre offers a variety of Anti-Racism facilitation specifically for arts organizations. We are a team of artists with a myriad of training who specialize in workshops that can help your team assess individual and organizational equity. We are justice-minded, and have received training from artEquity, Zenev and Associates, and the Ad Hoc Assembly. We aim to integrate artistic practice into all facets of our work.
If you aren’t sure what you need or what it costs, please be in touch. We can work to customize an offering, and tell you more about our fees.
From half-day to week-long, we can customize a workshop to your organization’s needs. Our teams of two-facilitators can lead groups of up to 40 participants.
Our facilitators are trained in public speaking, particularly around intersections of identity, equity, justice, anti-racism, and creative practice. We are also open to speaking to Boards of Directors.
Looking for a deeper dive? One of our facilitators can do an organizational assessment and help you connect with the right people and tools to build a comprehensive plan tailor-built for your needs.